
With TravelCompanions easy to use interface on the travellers own smartphones, the system will make your journey safe and smooth.

TravelCompanion is a beacon based system that will guide travellers who are using bus, trains, subway, trams and airplanes. The system is universally designed with special emphasis on visual- and hearing impaired people. This system will significantly improve implementation of Universal Design in transport, making society more accessible for everyone.

TravelCompanion aims to guide throughout the whole journey across different types of transport. It is developed to be compatible with the Wayfindr Open Standard for audio-based navigation.

Get in touch Contact us to learn more about implementing beacon technology.

TravelCompanion at Holmestrand Station. Turn-by-Turn advanced indoor navigation and VoiceOver:

TravelCompanion on a bus. Selection of route, and announcement of bus stops:



Beacon Technology

Beacons are small wireless units transmitting a predefined Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) signal. The information stored in the signal is received by a BLE compatible unit – typically a smartphone or a tablet. Preinstalled apps on the unit translate the BLE information received into defined actions in the apps.

The beacons are usually stationary while the receiving units are moving as their users move. Possible use is to provide indoor navigation and context relevant location information. This could be useful information about a specific item in an art museum, walking guidelines for indoor navigation, menus and ordering information in restaurants, mobile payment in stores, relevant shopping offers in a store and specific coupons.